Treatments to get you back out there
Increasing Range of motion and decreasing pain in a safe and effective manner
Recovery: Enhanced
Recover like the Pros with Normatec recovery systems
Needle Therapy
Combining traditional and modern technique to facilitate healing
Custom Fitting
Medical grade custom fitting for ski boots, bikes, and orthotics. Designed with your condition in mind
Soft Tissue
From massage to targeted soft tissue. We know what your muscles need
Diagnostic Imaging
High quality X-Ray and diagnostic ultrasound in the office with transparent pricing
Our range of targeted rehab strategies are vital for your recovery and performance
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy:
Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation aka chiropractic adjustments can help to decrease stiffness in segments of our spine. Decreasing this stiffness can help to increase ranges of motion, increase blood flow and decrease pain. There are also benefits to the brain such as increasing the brains awareness of these once stiff segments so that motion and loads can be shared throughout the spine, as opposed to only the segments that are not restricted.
Extremity Manipulation
Joints other than our spine can also be adjusted, such as our feet, hips, elbows and hands. Extremity manipulation increases range of motion and blood flow to an area in a safe manner. This can be especially helpful in weight bearing joints such as our feet and hips, which are prone to locking up and not being as mobile as they should be.
Needle therapy
Acupuncture therapy has been used for centuries as a way to decrease pain and improve functioning in our bodies. Recently there have been very interesting studies on acupuncture and the effects on the body as well as the brain. Acupuncture effects not only the local tissues by increasing blood flow and decreasing pain, but also effects the relevant spinal level of the needle insertion, and the brain.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a form of acupuncture in which the clinician searchers for taught bands of tissue often referred to as trigger points. Once found the clinician inserts the needle into the trigger point, causing it to release the tension. Dry needling can be especially helpful when these trigger points cause a pain referral that extends beyond the local site of tightness. This is sometimes called a referral pattern or myofascial pain syndrome when the condition lasts longer than a few weeks.
Soft tissue
Massage is incredibly beneficial for decreasing soreness in tight or tender muscles. Massage also has the benefit of being very relaxing. Being in a more relaxed state will help decrease overall body tension and anxiety. There are a variety of massage techniques employed by our highly experienced licensed massage therapists.
Manual therapy
Soft tissue manual therapy is a targeted treatment to tight and tender muscles which may be causing pain and dysfunction throughout the body. This form of therapy can be performed directly with the clinicians hands, or with the use of a soft tissue tool. It works by releasing neurological tension in the muscles, allowing them to relax and heal. Returning these muscles to a normal state of relaxation can help decrease not only pain, but also improve function of muscles as they work with other muscles in the body to perform movements and activities.
Custom Fitting
Orthotic therapy
Orthotic therapy can be beneficial in recalcitrant cases of lower extremity pain when walking, running, or performing daily activities. It works by providing a customized footbed molded to your individual foot to change how pressure is distributed during the gait cycle. Our custom orthotics are designed after a gait analysis, a dynamic evaluation of your foot (pedograph) and a custom foot molding. To ensure the efficacy of the orthotics we create for you, we also provide followup appointments to make the necessary modifications to ensure that the orthotic is working for you and your life.
Medical Grade Bike fit
In a highly repetitive motion sport such as cycling, mere millimeters of change can make a huge difference in both how you feel, as well as your performance. We perform medical bike fits because we are able to modify bikes based on your individual anatomy as well as any symptoms you may be experiencing. With bikes we have found there is no one size fits all, so we make sure that your bike fits you!
Whether you just had a big training week, hiked a 14er, or are trying to get the most out of your ski vacation, NormaTec recovery may be right for you. Normatec is a medical grade recovery technology that uses graded compression to help get rid of metabolites that are accumulated during exercises that later cause muscle soreness and stiffness. NormaTec recovery systems have been used by professional athletes and teams for years, now you can benefit from increased recovery to get you back to performing on the trails and mountains better than ever.
Class IV laser
Class IV laser therapy uses photobiomodulation as a means to input energy (measured in Joules) into the local tissues that may need help with recovery. Inputing energy in this way speeds up the local metabolism and turnover of the cells that are being hit by the laser, thus facilitating faster recovery, as well as decreasing pain.
Diagnostic Imaging
Digital X-Ray
SCR3 provides high quality digital x-ray services to individuals that need them, and unlike other medical providers; we are very transparent about the costs and prices associated with taking the films so you’ll know up front exactly what films we are going to take, and the exact cost. X-rays are often necessary in cases of trauma or other orthopedic injury to rule out fracture and other forms of structural damage that may require more invasive care.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Ultrasound technology can be used to reliably assess superficial and soft tissue injuries, especially in the extremities. In many cases, musculoskeletal ultrasound can be used in the place of a costly MRI, with the added benefit of allowing a dynamic evaluation. Thus we can assess the tissues and joints during movement, while MRI can only produce a static image.
Functional Medicine
Laboratory analysis of blood markers can be a key element in the treatment of chronic or systemic issues. Systemic issues related to blood levels can be related to fatigue, generalized pain, as well as chronic pain syndromes. Bloodwork is typically followed by specific nutritional or supplemental interventions to target the root cause of the issues you are experiencing.
Nutritional Counseling
How we fuel our bodies has a major impact on both how we feel as well as our performance. We offer a variety of nutritional counsels, as well as testing to ensure that you are fueling your body correctly to accomplish your goals. Nutritional counseling typically follows lab work in order to target your specific needs.