Massage Therapy at SCR3
Marianne Fitzgerald LMT
Her Mission Statement:To facilitate transformation in individuals who are willing and able to change using a body/mind/spirit approach. I achieve this through massage therapy, personal training, and teaching. What I require to be successful in this endeavor is an individual with desire to change, belief that change is possible and the ability to do whatever it takes to create the environment for transformation.
Marianne graduated from Boulder College of Massage Therapy in 2003 and has worked with Summit Chiropractic & Rehabilitation since 2007. She draws on years of experience and knowledge to offer her clients/patients a bodywork session that is customized to their needs and desires. Her specilaties are:
· Ashiatsu – using her feet gives Marianne the ability to deliver a broad steady pressure akin to a “modified” myofascial reléase. She maintains balance by sitting in a chair or holding on to overhead bars so that she can give the client the deepest, most luxurious massage OR just deep enough for their individual taste.
· NST – Normalization of soft tissue. This includes a wide variety of techniques such as Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization).
· She has also been trained in Acutonics (a type of sound therapy using tuning forks),Thai Massage, Polarity Therapy and Cranio Sacral Therapy.
Outside of massage and bodywork Marianne has extensively studied Posture and Movement. She draws on knowledge and exercises gained from years of working with the doctors at SCR3, training/certification with YogAlign, training with many physical therapists and personal trainers. She teaches from this experience/knowledge base one on one as well as to groups.
Prior to her work in Massage Therapy, Marianne built a business career after receiving a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration. She spent twenty years in sales, marketing and management and has presented business classes in Spanish and English.
When not working Marianne enjoys hiking/running, skiing and snowshoeing on mountain trails. A life long learner, Marianne’s interests predominantly revolve around knowing and loving the self so that we can be our best, and then offer our best to our fellow beings.
Copyright 2006-2007 Summit Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, PC. Summit County, Colorado Chiropractor and Acup
Make it stand out.
Using her feet gives Marianne the ability to deliver a broad steady pressure akin to a “modified” myofascial reléase. She maintains balance by sitting in a chair or holding on to overhead bars so that she can give the client the deepest, most luxurious massage OR just deep enough for their individual taste.
Deep Tissue
Deep soreness sometimes requires deep work. Deep tissue massage helps relieve exquisite soreness from a tough day on the mountain or on the trails.
Vibration Therapy
A lower force alternative to traditional massage. Vibration at different frequencies is able to activate muscle as well as joint mechanoreceptors to get them to calm down and relax, facilitating a better and more relaxing experience.

Move Well, Move often
— Gray Cook