Extremity Manipulation
In case you were wondering; Yes our ankles wrists fingers and toes can be “popped” just like our backs and necks. This can be done safely and effectively to increase range of motion in a joint and decrease pain. Manipulation in the extremities can be a part of a treatment plan for toe pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain, wrist pain, elbow pain, and shoulder pain.
At times, when our joints outside of our spine are not moving correctly, they can indirectly cause symptoms like low back pain, and even neck pain. This can happen especially if we are experiencing these symptoms after an injury to our extremities that results in a decreased range of motion.
Adjustments in the extremities may not always create the satisfying “crack” that happens in the spine, but this does not mean that it is not effective in accomplishing our goals for that joint. Even when the cracking does not occur, we input a very good stimulus for the various receptors of these joints. This input can help with increasing the activation of muscles around the joint, decreasing pain in the joint, as well as increasing the range of motion.