Dr. Ivo Waerlop DC, DACBN, CCRP, CCSP
Dr Ivo was born in Biloxi, Mississippi on Kessler Air Force Base and grew up in upstate New York. He is a 1986 summa cum laude graduate of the New York Chiropractic College. He received his post-graduate neurology diplomate from Logan Chiropractic College and became board certified in 1990. Dr Ivo works with a broad base of patients including Olympic level, professional and paraprofessional running, skiing and cycling athletes. He is an adjunct faculty member with the National School of Post-Graduate Education and is one of the 2 founding members of "The Gait Guys", a consulting group which studies and teaches about lower extremity biomechanics, rehabilitation and movement and gait related disorders.
Dr Ivo researches, publishes and PODcasts extensively. He is a board certified Chiropractic Neurologist, Chiropractic Rehabilitation Physician and certified Chiropractic Sports Physician. He lectures in the US and Canada on foot-ankle and gait biomechanics in sports, rehabilitation, dry needling and acupuncture techniques. He is co-author of the textbook, Pedographs and Gait Analysis: Clinical Applications and Pearls.
Additional Background
Dr Ivo F Waerlop attended SUNY at Albany for his undergraduate work and graduated from the New York Chiropractic College in 1986. He then joined the Core Science faculty at the college and taught anatomy and human cadaver dissection as well as Gonstead and Diversified chiropractic techniques. It was at this time he conducted research performing a serial dissection of alar ligaments in cadavers and completed post graduate work in Sports Medicine, receiving his Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician certification.
Dr Ivo then moved to Gloucester, Massachusetts where he founded Gloucester Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, a medically referral based office complete with CYBEX lab. During his time in Massachusetts, he completed additional post graduate work in rehabilitation and was accepted into the chiropractic neurology program at Logan Chiropractic College in St Louis, Missouri. Here, he was one of the fortunate doctors who studied directly under Dr Ted Carrick, and after 3 years and passing his written and oral board examinations, was awarded his Diplomate in Neurology Degree in May of 1991. At this point in time, Dr Waerlop began his post graduate teaching career, 1st in rehabilitation and later in neurology.
In late 1996, Dr Ivo relocated to Summit County Colorado, continuing to teach on a post graduate level and began a private practice in Frisco at the CARE Health Group. He began teaching Anatomy and Physiology locally at the Colorado Mountain College, which he discontinued after the birth of his 1st son. In 1999, he relocated to a larger facility in Silverthorne and founded Summit Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, PC, a rehabilitation and neurology referral based practice, with an emphasis on gait and movement analysis.
In 2004, he became interested in acupuncture, largely because his 150 pound German Shepherd (Atlas) was epileptic, and a Veterinary Acupuncturist from Grand Junction (Dr Shalona McFarland) was able to help him control his seizures. Dr Ivo began his studies shortly thereafter and received his acupuncture license in the summer of 2005. He then studied neuromuscular acupuncture under Dr Yun Tao Ma and oulse diagnosis and cosmetic acupuncture under Dr Martha Lucas.
In August of 2006, Dr John Asthlater joined the practice and the office was moved to our new facility in the Dillon Tech Center, in Dillon. In addition to injury, rehabilitative and preventative care, the new center offers the latest in cutting edge diagnostics, inclluding digial x ray and diagnostic ultrasound, video motion analysis for both gait and bike pedal stroke, an orthotic lab, full blood testing, lactate testing, training programs, and expanded hours.
When Dr Ivo isn’t seeing patients or lecturing, he enjoys spending time skiing, mountain and road biking with his wife, Lisa and his 2 sons Vander and Saxxon. His hobbies include reading, music and cooking.
Learning Resources from Dr. Ivo
The Gait Guys
An overall combined 45+ years of clinical / medical experience, teaching, and lecturing experience heavily weighted in biomechanics, neurology, orthopedics, manual medicine, acupuncture, advanced gait and running knowledge. Dr. Ivo Waerlop (summitchiroandrehab.com) and Dr. Shawn Allen (doctorallen.co & shawnallen.net) are finally bringing what has long been needed to the information/web age, enough knowledge and experience to help clarify the truths and dispel the myths that are abundant on the internet and in seminar halls. The blog has been active and live since early 2011 with over 1500 article entries.
Functional Integrative Rehabilitation Education
educational investments that pay clinical dividends